
Here's our very minimalist Sukkah in Jerusalem. Glass partial height walls, schach, and not much else (except for a great view)! 2024

The California Sukkah, Sharon, Massachusetts, USA 2022

Sukkahsoftheworld has been collecting photographs of sukkahs since 2005. sukkahsoftheworld is devoted to  pictures of sukkahs. submit your 2024 sukkahs.  Sukkahs look best with people! See the pictures from years past!

Sukkahs of the World headquarters is in Stoughton, Massachusetts. We will be able to visit you if you live nearby to photograph your sukkah, either just before Sukkot begins or during Hol Hamoed. 

In 2021 Sukkahsoftheworld.org was  featured by JNS with a nice article.  and enjoy the happy Sukkah, the California Sukkah and the well-provisioned sukkah!

What makes a sukkah a sukkah? Neither the walls nor the roof. It is you. The biblical commandment does not say to build a sukkah, it says "you shall dwell in Sukkahs..."  The most important word in the sentence is you. The commandment cannot be fulfilled without you. This year the emphasis is people both inside and out; the emphasis is on YOU!

The Sukkah with a smile! (Sharon, Massachusetts 2022)

                below:  Sukkah mobile spotted in Plymouth County Massachusetts 2022. If you look closely someone is adjusting the shchach!

Sukkahs of the world was created by Aaron Israel Ginsburg