go to our submission page to add your comment, make suggestions, or submit pictures.
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I am very pleased with all the kind comments that I have received. I keep telling my ego to calm down, but you know how egos are. I thought you might be interested in the origins of this site. On the Sunday before Sukkot, I was visiting a new friend in Amherst as well as my first cousin. In the mistaken belief that the holiday was starting that evening, I rushed home to complete my Sukkahs. After a mighty struggle, I arrived at Temple Israel only to find a deserted building, and realized my error. As I walked home, I rued having left Amherst abruptly at 2:00 PM, and then the inspiration struck me for this web site. I stayed up till 3:00 AM thinking about and putting the site together. The next morning, after losing an hour and a half dealing with a foot of water in the basement, I drove around Sharon looking for likely candidates for the Sukkah gallery. I ran home, posted the photos, and was up and running at about 2:00 PM. I got my first comment shortly thereafter. I hope you are getting as much enjoyment from looking at the site as I have gotten creating it. If you see someone driving about town and slowing down in the middle of the block with a camera and wearing a SukkahsinSharon tee shirt, please say hello. Chag Sameach!
Aaron Ginsburg 2005
PS. Today (Friday) I attended services. As we shook our Lulav, Etrog, Myrtle and Willow, I was overwhelmed to think that I was participating with past and future generations in this ancient celebration. The thought humbled me, and upraised me at the same time.
Hey, nice site! Feel free to stop by to see our sukkah if you want more pics for the page :)
Chag sameach,
Eli Geller
Subject: very cool
I liked yours the best of all …looks like you had a great deal of fun with this and I congratulate your effort …I had a hard time making out 100_1972.JPG, as it is obscured by the sun (get this with either earlier or later light) but the others were quite fine …I had to Babelfish your ending of the story about Touro Synagogue’s Sukkah, but its meaning still eludes me.
Arthur Forman
This is cool.
Hag Sameach.
Susan Cetlin
Excellent idea - well done, pity we don't have our succah up this year.
Leon Ettin
thanks for this site!!
one year i drove around town looking for all the sukkahs, so i enjoyed these pix very much!
Subject: I loved the succot in Sharon
We have one but i think there may only be one or two in all of HIngham!
Chag Sameach!
I hope you received my enthusiastic response to your innovative Sukkahs project. I was bowled over.
Ralph, New York
Last paragraph, 'grammar' is spelled wrong (there's no 'E' in the word).
What a great idea, Aaron. This is our first Sukkot in Sharon. Before we moved, we were just one of three sukkot in our whole neighborhood. It was wonderful to walk around on Yom Tov and see so many sukkahs and people enjoying the chag.
Evelyn Krieger Larson
Subject: Wow, was that your sukkah??
That looks great. I just didn't have the energy to put up my sukkah this year.
Hi Aaron,
What a great web site !
i will definitely mention it when speaking about Sharon to prospective (Jewish)buyers coming from out of town to buy homes in Sharon. I've sold several homes to religious families who moved here because of the tight knit Jewish population. mo'adim le'simcah
Seth Stollman
Hi Aaron-
My husband met you at Hoshana Raba services this morning and wanted to share a picture of our Sukkah with you. We really enjoyed looking at your site - thanks for taking the time to put it together.
Best Wishes,
Stacy & Art Newman
Hi Aaron,
I just scanned the photo gallery & you have something great there. As a mourner I had little to no interest in Sukkot this year (I did eat some gefilte fish in one with some interesting folks in Manhattan however).
I will spread the URL around & let people know about your project.
It was good to meet you,
Thank you so much. The site is great and helps to promote the building of Sukkot in a non-obtrusive way. It is well done and a great contribution.
Yasher Koach to you and to the Jewish community of Sharon.
Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein
Very cool, Aaron! Thanks for sharing and Shabbat Shalom. Maybe you should take pictures on Sunday of Sukkahs being dismantled...
Alan Teperow, Executive Director
Synagogue Council of Massachusetts
Managing Director
Massachusetts Board of Rabbis
Please include our sukkah in your wonderful website collection. Included are an interior and an exterior shot of our real sukkah and a picture of a model sukkah created by our son. I hope you'll agree to include all 3.
The Sperber Family
Thanks, Aaron. Sharon is indeed a unique place. The Jerusalem of Norfolk County, as it were. I hope all's well with you and your family.
- Peretz
"The web page is absolutely fabulous. Now that Rivka has completed her
exam and Sara has completed her latest papers I'll make sure that they get
a chance to view it this motzei shabbas. I can really relate to the blown
down sukkah page...[ ]... But the page is so terrific, I hope it will not
be taken down too soon. I will download as much as I can onto my hard
drive (including the video portion) so that if in the future it is taken
down off the server I will have an archived copy. One thing that I didn't
realize until yesterday is how extensive the picture pages are; you have
to make sure to press all the buttons to see the huge number of wonderful
pictures. The more I learn about Sharon the more I like; I'd certainly
love to visit some day.."
'machutin' in Baltimore.
Aaron -
I am very happy to know you. Thanks much for the encouraging words. I particularly enjoy your sukkah site - that's really a fun set of photos. We don't have too many sukkahs in Shanghai, though we do have a nice little congregation.
Take care,
© Aaron Israel Ginsburg, Sharon, Ma 2009.