about this site
In 2005 I hurried to my home in Sharon, Massachusetts after a visit with a friend in Amherst, Massachusetts to hurriedly erect the sukkah I had just purchased on the l used sukkah market and attend services. I arrived at an empty shul ... empty because I was there on the day before Sukkot! While walking home on Pond street, I came up with the idea for this site. I ran home to my computer, created a crude site, and ran out the next morning to grab some photos. In my excitement I only found 19 sukkahs. During Hol Hamoed I looked again, and soon had 70 sukkahs on the site, which was devoted to the Sukkahs in Sharon, Massachusetts. People stopped me on the street with suggestions, such as to go out at night when they were lit up (like Christmas trees). It snowed at the end of Sukkot, so there are a few shots of this ephemeral event. I eventually extended my reach to the entire world, on the assumption that there might be Sukkahs elsewhere. So far, there appear to only be a few. Three years ago I realized a sukkah is not a sukkah without people, so most of the pictures that I now take are of friends and family enjoying themselves. You may view my other sites at my home page.
Aaron Israel Ginsburg
Much of my time is spent preserving the memory of the Jewish community of Dokshitsy, a small town now in Belarus,
where my father Maurice was born. In May, 2008 I went to Dokshitsy to attend the dedication of
the restored Jewish cemetery. This project has consumed me since November 2, 2007 when I
learned that the town of Dokshitsy had started the restoration, and done a good job. My entire
life prepared me for this project. Go to The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy for more information
including a brief video.
As part of my family research, I am acting as a clearing house for Jewish families named Pokrassa . Visit yousaypokrassa to see how a family was reunited after 70 years.I am a member of the Cirlin-Ginzburg and Kusinitz families from Dokshitsy and nearby Parafianov. I am also a member of the Pokross family from Gorodishche, Ukraine and the Karnovsky family also of the Ukraine. I grew up Newport RI. At the time I think I was related to much of Jewish Newport.
If you need help researching your genealogy, want to host a genealogical evening or event, let me know.
I am strongly opposed to exhibits of plasticized "real" human bodies, which I consider an affront to human dignity. See stopbodyworlds I have been encouraged by people all over the world and have made many friends in this endeavor from all over the US and Canada, and also in Germany, The Netherlands, and Australia and have been able to reach many.
When I lived in Sharon Massachusetts I attended Temple Israel. Remembrances composed by Temple members about communities affected by the Holocaust are read during Yizkor. I came up with the idea of posting them on the Temple web site, and accomplished this with the help of many including Donna Carver and Wendy Abelman. Sukkahs of the world is devoted to pictures of sukkahs from Sharon to Shanghai, and from Boston to Beijing. I created my first Sukkah site in 2005 about the sukkahs in Sharon, MA and also a modest hannukah site. Sharon, Massachusetts is one of the most Jewish places in the world. Don't you think it should have a home page? I co-chaired a Naomi Shemer memorial event at Temple Israel. Lettersfromisrael is devoted to letters that were not intended for publication from travelers to or residents of Israel.